
Turcademy is a local e-book platform developed by Informascope company to collect all academic publications under one portal in Türkiye and to transmit academic publications digitally to academicians, researchers and students in an easy way and contribute to e-book publishing in Türkiye
Informascope, developed Turcademy- ebooks platform in order to contribute to digital publishing in Türkiye and in irder to make this happen, Informascope used its competencies and experiences as results of its long lasting collaboration with leading international publishers. First phase of the project of Turcademy included 3.000 e-books is expected to cover more titles shortly in the collection as a results of ongoing discussions with several other publishers from Türkiye.
Design and technical infrastructure of Turcademy has been completed by local IT professionals/developers and the second phase of Turcademy e-book platform will contain academic magazines with high impact factors published in Türkiye.